The future is streaming analytics

Our mission is to give you streaming analytics superpowers

There will always be a need for batch analytics, but for every use case that is done in batch, there are 10 new use cases in streaming analytics, which will probably be a real-time application where you don’t even think about it as streaming analytics.

  • Streaming will see higher adoption.
  • The birth of data products.
  • Data privacy and governance will be a HUGE focus area.

What Are The Main Vision Of Company?

At StreamProcessor, we abstract complexity away from data engineering by offering a state of the art streaming processing platform for any data-driven company, no matter size. Our core purpose is to enable data-driven organizations to unleash the full potential from their data. We believe that you shouldn’t have to be an Unicorn to have streaming processing and analytics technology in place.

“StreamProcessor is fantastic, always fresh data in BigQuery and with custom schemas. But the Streaming SQL is what makes all the difference, it opens up endless of opportunities for us to build real time data products. And knowing the data is compliant and never leaves our GCP project.”

Anonymous Analytics Engineer, Swedish retailer